Please treat her like a lady!
Client etiquette, rules, manners, decency. Some terms that some clients don’t respect. This can completely ruin an evening. If you think that everyone respects the etiquette, think again. A worst-case scenario? Something like this.
“I am on my way to a hotel where I have a date in a couple of hours with a male client. It’s a beautiful hotel room and the man greets me kindly.
‘What is your name?’, he asks when I entered. I sigh; here we go again. With a nice smile I tell him my stage name. ‘No, I mean your real name. I understand this is a fake-name.’ For you I am Summer, I tell him in a firm but friendly voice. The client understands my message and leaves it with that. We talk and laugh. Unfortunately, he forgets to offer me a drink, so I am asking for it. Couldn’t he have that ready to begin with? Something that crosses my mind.
After some small talk, we’re moving to the bed where the client starts to touch me and leans over to kiss me. There are two things that I notice. His hands are not clean and his breath smells. It’s clear he hasn’t showered yet. I push him a bit to keep him at distance. ‘What about you take a nice shower and brush your teeth? I will make it nice and cosy in here.’ He looks at with surprise, but goes to the bathroom without hesitation. I am thinking how annoying it is that I have to say this, while he had plenty of time on his own before I arrived.
After he showered, the client finds me on the bed in a beautiful lingerie. He looks at me with intent and enjoys the view. Then he comes and lies next to me. We start to touch each other and kiss. My hand starts to move down towards the arousing part. He comes closer and whispers in my ear: ‘Do you want to give me a blowjob?’ I don’t like directness that much, but I leave it for what it is and go with his desire.
I grab a condom and as I try to put in on, he blocks it with his hand. ‘I want it without’, he says. My annoyance reaches a climax. I tell him that the rules are very clear on this and that all intimacy is safe. I give him a warning, but he gives it another try. ‘I will pay you extra for it’, and he says an outrageous high amount. I get out of bed and put on my kimono. Again, I point out the client etiquette and his behaviour.
The man doesn’t look interested in it. He only has one goal: crossing my boundaries. ‘Look, I understand the agency makes you follow the rules, but here is my card and phone number. You can call me directly, that’s cheaper than through the agency. Amy doesn’t have to know, right?’ That was the last straw. I grab my clothes and phone, and go to the bathroom. I get dressed, text Amy and walk out of the bathroom. I tell the client how upsetting it was that he tried to cross my boundaries multiple times, even after a warning. I tell him that I want to cancel the booking and that the agency will contact him further. I leave.
What could have been a nice evening, turned into a flop. If only he would respect the client etiquette.”
To prevent you from making the same mistake, I advise you to go through the client etiquette. Make sure you respect the rules and avoid the following things:
- Don’t ask the name or other personal information of the lady; this is private. By asking her name or number, you embarrass her. Because the answer is and stays no.
- Make sure you’re washed and shaved when the lady arrives; if you get washed before the date, you will save yourself some embarrassing moments when the lady has to ask you. After all, she appreciates the effort you take!
- Don’t give your personal information to the lady; no, she won’t call you or contact you in another way without the agency. Thinking to be cheaper that way because you can book her directly, is wrong. Both her privacy and yours are at risk.
- Don’t ask for unsafe sex; although our ladies are frequently negatively tested, you nor the lady wants to risk a STD.
Do you have any questions? Please contact us.